23263 Madero, Suite C
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (949)855-3235
Fax: (949)770-3481
URL: http://www.dynatem.com
Email: sales@dynatem.com
 | Dynatem offers a broad range of 6U and 3U VMEbus and CompactPCI based products from commercial to full MIL systems. Additionally, stand-alone embedded single board computers are available in off-the-shelf and customized versions. Processors supported include Pentium family as well as Motorola 68000, CPU32 and PowerPC families. Full software engineering support is offered for numerous real-time operating systems (including RTX, VxWorks, QNX, pSOS+, OS-9, LynxOS), as well as Windows NT, Embedded NT, Solaris and Linux. Mezzanine standards supported include PMC and IP Modules. Customized software drivers and BIOS are available. |