4126 Linden Avenue
Dayton, OH 45432
Phone: 937-252-5601
Fax: 937-258-2729
URL: http://www.cwcembedded.com/
Email: sales@cwcembedded.com
 | With a legacy spanning over a century of manned flight and technology innovation led by the Curtiss-Wright Corporation, the business units of Dy4 Systems, VISTA Controls, Synergy Microsystems, Systran, Peritek and Primagraphics have unified into the Embedded Computing organization of Curtiss-Wright Controls. Embedded Computing brings together the leading suppliers of state-of-the-art open systems architecture commercial and rugged boards and chassis for the embedded computing market, each with a heritage of over twenty years of delivering leading edge technology to the COTS industry. Combined, the Embedded Computing companies provide system integrators with a single end-to-end supplier offering commercial and rugged grade COTS computing solutions that span the full range of embedded system technology from board-level products to fully integrated sub-systems.
Now, embedded system customers have a true end-to-end supplier, with technology expertise encompassing state of the art conduction cooling, high speed IO, high density computing, specialized chassis design, custom and component engineering services, and full life-cycle support. All this is backed by one of the defense and aerospace industry's most respected and innovative suppliers - Curtiss-Wright - now celebrating its 75th year.